Friday, January 28, 2011

Invictus and Community Development

The movie Invictus begins with the release and election of Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) who takes charge in hope of reconciliation between the whites and blacks of South Africa.  To do this, Mandela’s main strategy was to use the National Rugby team known as the Springboks which was hated by black South Africans.  He realizes that South African is to host the 1995 Rugby World Cup that is less than a year away he begins his mission.  Doing this is not so easy.  It begins with him having to convince the South African Sports committee to not change the name and colours of the Springboks.  Mandela would next invite the team captain of the Springboks Francios Pienaar (Matt Damon) for tea and discuss rugby and philosophies where Mandela gets a message through to Pienaar that he wants him to lead the team to victory at the World Cup and unite their country.
This is the beginning of how Mandela was able to use the sport of Rugby to develop community relationships that are not based on race.  Examples of using the team for community development would be how the team interacted with all of the locals by going to communities and teaching them about the sport.  I believe that Chester (the only black member of the Springboks) shows a different type of leadership by leading his team into these communities and showing his teammates that there really is no difference between the different races.  Mandela also had built a security team composed of both black and white members.  In the beginning they did not like having to be around each other which was shown having them drive in separate cars with only blacks in one and whites in another.  As time goes on they start to get more comfortable with each other and through recreation begin to like one another.  This can be seen during one of the World Cup games while Mandela is watching it on television many of the security guards, both white and black start passing a rugby ball around.      
The Springboks were not expected to do well in the tournament but once they began to win games they started getting more and more support from not only the white community but the black as well.  The crowds began to fill during their games that including both blacks and whites all cheering for their nation.  The Springboks would eventually go on to win the cup against the powerhouse All Blacks from New Zealand where South Africans everywhere united to celebrate with one another.  During the celebration Pienaar was asked if the crowd of 63,000 helped in winning the game.  Pienaar would answer saying that it was 43million South Africans united that helped the team win. 
This movie shows the importance of recreation in society and how it can be used in order to bring people together.  Mandela’s use of rugby to unite his nation proves that sport and recreation has a major impact on some of the most critical issues in society.  This movie shows how significant leaders are in communities.  Both Mandela and Pienaar used the philosophy of leading by example to show the people around them that things can be better.  Leaders in communities whether it being in sports or politics must be able to inspire others to “be better then they think they can” according to Mandela, in order to change for the better.  To lead by example Mandela shows up to the rugby matches wearing the jersey of the Springboks to try and convince his people that everyone should be united cheering for the team that represents their nation.


  1. Great post Brent. I liked how you focused on the security guards as an example of developing a community. This was a community that was forced together despite their differences and opposition to working together. They were able to see past their prejudices and use their strengths to do their job and effectively protect Mandela. It was also interesting the scene where the cup of pop was thrown at Mandela, and the one security guard comment that it was good that Mandela didn't see it happen, and the other guard indicating that he definitely did see it. It reaffirms that even small actions or comments can have a significant impact on the views and perceptions of others (both potentially positive and negative). I think that this really opened the eyes of the white security guard in realizing the severity of the situation. Especially once he had already started to change his perception and have become more understanding and accepting of those that are different then himself.

  2. Great thoughts on Mandela Brent. I had kinda grouped him into the leading by knowledge and understanding but you are right in the fact that he needed to show up in the colours and provide the example to follow as well. I think a leader like Mandela more or less can apply any leadership tactic where necessary!
